
Healthy Options Restaurants

Restaurant food, whether fast food or fine dining, typically has more calories, fat and sodium than foods prepared at home.  Eating out has been linked with overweight and obesity, which is why Eastern Shore Healthy Communities has been working with local restaurants to encourage them to offer healthier meal options for adults and children.  In 2012 Eastern Shore Healthy Communities developed criteria that must be met to be awarded the Eastern Shore Healthy Options Restaurant seal.  Eligible restaurants must be locally owned, serve local produce and seafood and they must offer at least one adult and one child menu item that meets the following criteria:

  • contain no more than 700 calories
  • be trans-fat free
  • less than 30% of calories from fat
  • less than 10% of calories from saturated fat
  • no more than 600 mg of sodium
  • at least 5 to 7 grams of dietary fiber with lean protein
  • ½ to 1 cup non-starcy vegetable and/or fruit
  • have available fat-free salad dressing
  • have available skim or 1% milk
  • provide choices of whole grain items
  • no fried foods

Those restaurants who have earned the honor of displaying the Eastern Shore Healthy Communities Healthy Options Restaurant seal include the following:

Healthy Options Logo

Note the fork icon on menu items at these restaurants.  That indicates the Healthy Option.

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Funding for this policy change initiative comes from the Virginia Department of Health, the Centers for Disease Control, and the Virginia Foundation for Healthy Youth.  Work Group Chair is Joani Donohoe